Ever-changing video grid-25 module led display in CTV belarus

Ever-changing, vivid color video Grid-25 meets in CTV show in Belarus, starts the long TV journey, would you like to join us?
千姿百态,色彩明丽『Video Grid-25』和小美女约会于美丽的白俄罗斯,开启了精彩的TV之旅,沿途的风景美如画,你要约吗?
Total 840 pcs of modules cover the all stage of CTV show, Count them like counting star?


CTV Show

The best way to express the flexible DIY, freedom shape of video grid.
完美展现创意Video Grid系列的DIY灵活特性,任意造型和定制。

Video grid compact body design is very suitable for stage integration, the stage effect is stunning!
Video grid紧凑形体设计非常适合融入舞台设计,效果惊艳!
