The superiority of Galaxias series FLexible LED display.Some people may ask what is the difference between Galaxias series and Normal LED display?You may find out some important points below: Skype:huasun613
1,Flexible.The Galaxias series have its own superiority-Flexible.Unlike carbinet LED display or other module LED screen,Galaxias series LED curtain is flebible,which makes the Galaxias more shapes available,like cylinder,circle,curved,roll up...It makes advertising,stage show,or any other event full of image.
2,Slim body design-Thin.The power system and controller system are all in the box which on the top of the screen,Thus the Galaxias Series is very slim and light weight.It will save much transportation fees and Labor cost when installation.
3,Easy panel connection.Unlike the Carbinet LED screen,Galaxias series connection is very easy.
Side by side connection is:Magnet connection.Top to down connection is quick-Lock.
Galaixas series Magnet lock Video:
Galaxias verytically connection:
4,Fast setup.As the power and controller is integrated with the screen body,it means cables for connection are less,it makes the setup easier and faster.Sometimes,1-2 man is enough for a wall of screen,and within 15 minutes is enough for setup.
5,More choice for Pixel pitch.There are totally 7 types of pixel pitch in Galaxis series:P3,P4,P6,P7,P9,P12,P16,They will meet your need in different kinds of Events.
So choose Galaxias series Flexible LED video wall,to reduce the transportation cost,Labor cost,save your time! Skype:huasun613