Haval auto and Huasun
LED,you and me,come together,meeting in Beijing automobile exhibition,what will
The Fourteenth Beijing Auto Show is opened today in Beijing
International Exhibition Center. Featured the style of the Roman arena, HAVAL's
booth is designed as an oval theater in two layers in Beijing automobile
exhibition. Its face is designed with suspended cables referring to the Golden
Gate Bridge in San Francisco, showing an imposing and unique manner. The most
important, Its second layer is designed with Huasun’s transparent curved LED
display, Pixel strip-25, which provide a expressive scene.
Huasun, Never be the same, every
appearance of Huasun keeps different, this is more shows after worked with GM,
QOROS motors, and also express the innovation and custom design. Of Huasun’s.
Follow us, focus on the
scene, waiting for more updated news.
哈弗展台在今年北京车展亮点十足,整体设计以视点融合意识空间。歌剧院式造型,分上下两层,在满足顾客参观便利的同时展现哈弗品位。展台正面采用斜拉索的设计,借鉴了美国旧金山金门大桥吊索的设计理念,充分的展现了汽车的工业感和设计美感;舞台二层的环幕采用HUASUN大尺寸Pixel Strip-25具有强烈的视觉冲击力,为消费者带来震撼的艺术享受。这是HUASUN继通用汽车,观致汽车等品牌汽车制造商合作的又一力作,也是HUASUN持续创新和个性化定制的最好诠释。
The pixel strip LED display
is 6 meters height, 80 meters long, ring shape design.